Warranty Policy

At BOLLARDCOVERUSA.COMâ„¢, we honestly want you to have a great experience with our products. We value you as our customer and will try to make your shopping experience pleasurable. Your satisfaction is our number one goal.

We promise to repair or replace our products within thirty days of purchase if defective in materials or workmanship. This limited warranty does not cover damage due to neglect, wind, snow, fire, misuse or any act of God, nor does this limited warranty cover damage resulting from the product not having been securely fastened down nor from improper installation. We are not liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of our products, including any cost or expense of providing substitute equipment or service during periods of non-use. EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES: We make no warranties, which extend beyond the description on the face hereof. Specifically, the Warranty of Merchantability and the Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose are excluded.

Please inspect your order immediately upon arrival. If your item was shipped by common carrier, inspect packaging for visible damage before the driver leaves. Make a notation on the Bill of Lading (delivery receipt) of any damaged observed. If your product was damaged in shipment it is important to file a claim with the shipper quickly.

Should you feel that you have a defective product, please contact our Customer Service for further instructions to replace or repair the product.

If you have any questions about this Warranty Policy, please contact us at (800) 352-6609.